Donations made to Holy Angels are tax deductible and contribute to the operations of the parish building and grounds, maintenance, and staffing of the parish. We also make signficant contributions to over 30 different agencies which we partner with to make a difference in Northeast Ohio.
Thank you for your continued support of our parish community. We could not be the vibrant, life-giving parish we are without YOU.
You may contribute in different ways to Holy Angels:
Weekly offerings are utilized for the ongoing support of the parish. This includes building and grounds, maintenance and staffing. These offerings may be made through contributing to the weekly collection either by envelopes mailed to your home or by electronic giving called "WeShare".
These funds are specified for building and grounds maintenence and savings for future building campaigns, a rainy day fund and emergency funding.
St. Michael Fund is the fund through which direct assistance for caring for those in need is distributed. These funds help with groceries, gas, utility bills, rent, car payments or other immediate needs of parishioners and area residents. Fr. Max distributes these funds according to both need and the availability of monies available. The St. Michael Fund also supports a number of the social concerns ministries of the parish including funding for the prevention of human trafficking, Habitat for Humanity, L.E.A.F. Ministry for families of the incarcerated and other worthwhile causes.
Faithful Legacy refers to any planned gift, bequest, estate, trust or other form of a gift to the parish usually payable after death. These funds are crucial to assuring a strong Catholic community here at Holy Angels for years to come. Those who make such a gift become part of the St. Gabriel Legacy Society and invited to attend a yearly Mass for donors as well as a reception. For more information, contact Don in the Parish Business Office 440-708-0000.