This office in the Cleveland Diocese has a great deal of information on a wide range of topics and issues related to social justice. To access these valuable materials visit:
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching is a collection of teachings designed to reflect the Church’s social mission in response to the challenges of the day. The teachings are rooted in biblical values and reflections on Christian tradition. This tradition calls all members of the Church, rich and poor alike, to work to eliminate the effect and occurrence of poverty, to speak out against injustice, and to shape a more caring society and a more peaceful world. We as Catholics are called to bring the healing hand of Christ to those in need and the gospel message of love, justice and peace to a suffering world.
The 7 themes of Catholic Social Teaching are:
Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Call to Family, Community, and Participation
Rights and Responsibilities
Option for the Poor and vulnerable
Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
Solidarity and Stewardship of God’s Creation
As Catholics, we are called to advocate for a socially just society based on the principles of equality and solidarity. A socially just society understands and values human rights, as well as recognizes the dignity of every human being.