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How many nights a week do our families share a meal? sports, work, clubs, social activity… then, Faith Formation for our children. For some families taking up three separate nights a week. Our families are being pulled in every conceivable direction. We all know it. At the end of the week our heads hit the pillow next to our spouse and we think to ourselves, did I even get one good conversation in?
At Holy Angels we have listened to you, our parents. As mothers and fathers ourselves, we get it. We are right there with you. So rather than contribute to the problem, we have created a new Religious Education Program at Holy Angels, called Family First.
The primary goal of this program is to bring the family unit together. How are we doing that? By offering exactly what you asked for. In our parent and catechist meetings over the summer, mothers and fathers asked for field trips (Outings); opportunities of service for the whole family; and events for the whole family hosted here at our parish. These will be the core pillars of our program.
It is our aim to create engaging experiences for our families, encounters with Christ that speak to our hearts and inspire us; moments to laugh and play with our kids, our spouses, our friends. To see how this is all going to work take a look inside.
9th grade – 12th grade will meet on scheduled Sundays after the 11 Mass, 12:15–1:45pm twice per month.
Confirmation will remain largely the same. Registration for Sacramental Preparation is now open on the Holy Angels website. 9th and 10th grades will meet together in the Worship Space for classes. Students registering or already registered for Confirmation need not register for Family First
Parents: In order to recieve the most up to date information on HAYgroup events please sign up below. if you have regeistered through the confirmation flock note sign up you do not need to sign up below.