The role of the liturgical ministers is to serve the assembly in full, active participation when we gather for worship.
The following are opportunities to serve as a liturgical minister:
Mass Coordinators – Prepare everything for mass and see that other liturgical ministers are present.
Adult Server – Assist the priest as a server at funeral masses.
Altar Server – Any boy or girl in the 4th grade or older is welcome to serve in this ministry at weekend liturgies. A training session is offered for those interested.
Cross Bearer – Lead the entrance procession at mass (Confirmed 8th graders – adult)
Minister of the Eucharist – Distribute the Eucharist at weekend mass
Greeter – Greet incoming parishioners as they arrive for mass
Lector – Proclaim the Scripture readings at mass
Usher – Seat parishioners, gather the collection, distribute bulletins, etc.
Altar Linens – Volunteers and needed to wash and iron the linens used at mass.