“For when I was hungry, you fed me.” Volunteers from the parish travel to St. Patrick’s Hunger Center in Cleveland about 4 times each year to prepare and serve a meal. Volunteers are needed to prepare, serve and clean-up. If you aren’t able to go to the center, we also need bakers to provide home-baked goodies to serve along with the meal. These can be dropped off at Holy Angels prior to the trip to St. Patrick’s. Check back for the next date to volunteer to serve at St. Pat’s TO VOLUNTEER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact Mary Anne Edwards (440) 247-0329
Holy Angels partners with a local pantry at Chagrin Falls Park Community Center to help keep their shelves supplied with food, personal care and cleaning items. Items and monetary contributions are collected on Donut Sundays throughout the year.
“Danielle’s Mission” is dedicated to the memory of Danielle Rose, a young women from our parish who was devoted to evangelizing Jesus’ love by serving the poor in Central America. Come and learn about the missionary experience and what the Cleveland Diocese has been doing in El Salvador for the past 40 years. As members of Holy Angels parish, our mission statement, as the “Danielle’s Mission” team, includes: D-devotion to El Salvador, A-attending to El Salvador, N-nourishing of body and soul through works of mercy, I-inspiring others (following the example of Danielle Rose), E-educating and enriching one another. FOR MORE INFORMATION contact Terry Rose at (440) 708-1789
Holy Angels LEAF ministry meets monthly and is open to anyone who has a loved one or friend who is incarcerated. This support group is a safe and confidential place to share concerns and information. Look in the bulletin for dates and times. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER, contact Leonita Mannarino (330) 840-8930
Parishioners are asked to donate travel size toiletries from hotel stays while travelling. These personal care items are then distributed to those in need at homeless shelters in the inner city. There is a collection container in the Coat Room off the Gathering Area. FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact Chuck Kosla (440) 543-1903
Human trafficking is a modern day form of slavery. Victims are subjected to force, or coercion for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. These victims are young children, teenagers, men and women. Currently, parishioners are learning more about this social justice topic and discussing ways we can help in our local community. We are always looking for parishioners who have knowledge or just feel called to help. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER, contact the Parish Office (440) 708-0000
This subcommittee acts as a liaison with the Diocese and our neighboring parishes. The primary responsibility is to make sure that the people of Holy Angels are offered current information and programs concerning important topics and existing programs concerning pro-life issues, from the yet unborn to the elderly.