Mass in memory of loved ones may be scheduled at the Parish Office, with a recommended donation of $10. To request a mass intention, call the Parish Office for
more information at (440) 708-0000.
In need of prayer for yourself or someone you love?
Click to contact Kathie Turk to let
her know what you need and our
Prayer Partners will be on it!
Volunteers to pray:
Are you willing to receive 5-15 daily text messages of prayer requests & praise reports from Holy Angels prayer ministry?
We pray for priests, seminarians, bishops, unborn babies, individuals who have trauma, cancer, broken bones and broken relationships. We receive occasional announcements for Adoration opportunities, and we hear praise reports for answered prayers, and we
P. U.S.H. - Pray Until Something Happens!
Messages are shared daily between approximately 8 am & 8 pm.
Click to contact Mary Clague to begin praying for others with the FlockNote Prayer Partners by sharing your cell number for text or your email address.